
Lachiwana is a non-profit organization whose mission is to disseminate resources and information about creating comprehensive community-led ecological care to those impacted by systemic exclusion and invalidation.

Our programs are places where environmental meets reproductive justice. 

Body and Family Autonomy

Sovereignty Series Workshops and art to redistribute power back into the hands of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people

Healthy Ecosystems

Returning to land-based practices by ecological restoration, good fire, waterways education, and cultural revitalization

Financial Literacy

Moving from generational poverty and learning how to navigate non-profit models of money flow

Systemic change requires intersectional approaches and Lachiwana engages change at all levels of organizing. Our internal operations are intentionally designed to adjust for the impacts of global crisis, social injustices, and prioritize the decentralization of power. Our fundraising efforts are embedded with radical transformation of decolonizing wealth through financial literacy among our constituents, and power + privilege accountability among our adjacent philanthropists. In these times, it is critical to cultivate and culture and narrative centering the health of our people and constituents. Lastly, our communities need to feel connected during this time of social, political, economic, and global unrest. Lachiwana’s impact strengthens connections, disseminates resources, and educates.